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Our vision is to offer evidence-based approaches to healing and transformation through embodied retreats, education, and worship experiences that equip and empower others to live more hope-filled lives marked by loving relationships, vibrant health, increased resiliency, expanding creativity, and holistic well-being.
The Pointe of Grace Project and affiliates exist to empower people from all walks of life to live as their truest, most authentic selves from a place increasing of wholeness and balance so that they can live life abundantly in ways that magnifiy God's love and grace in this world.
We are committed to being a welcoming and inclusive community. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, faith-tradition, ability, or cultural background.
As a Christ-Centered organization and extension ministry of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, our offerings seek to incorporate universal truths that touch upon the collective human experience in ways that honor our faith and Judeo-Christian heritage as well as the fundamental principles of Yoga philosophy.
We are dedicated to living lives that honor God, humanity, and creation. As such, we individually and communally strive to:
Love God, love others, love ourselves.
The Great Commandment
Live non-violently and do no harm.
Pursue truth.
Resist stealing and coveting.
Uphold purity.
Release attachment.
Steward through clean living.
Practice contentment and acceptance.
Grow through self-discpline and self-restraint.
Purse self-awareness and Divine wisdom.
Offer our first fruits to God for the greater good.
Isvara Pranidhana
We believe that, above all else, God is love. We also believe that God's love was put on full display through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the image of God's divine love is infused into the DNA of every human being (Genesis 1). That image gets blurred and distorted by violence, brokenness, and evil (in all its forms) which causes deep woundedness and chaos in our lives and in our world. Consquently, human beings routinely fall short of God's glory and the divinity that we were created to reflect in this world.
Even so, we believe that Love is bigger than our shortfalls, evil, or brokenness, and that in the end, Love has the power to (re)define and (re)claim who we truly are as God's children, as Children of the Light.
Because of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ, we believe that by God's grace, we can respond to God's love in ways that enable us to rise up from the graves we find ourselves living in.
We believe that there are "seeds of truth in all things" (Justin Matyr) and that Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:16).
We believe that where we find a way of living and being that leads to life more abundant, more whole, more balanced, and more peace-filled - for ourselves, others, and all creation - we have found truth, we have found Christ, and we have found God's love being revealed to us.
We believe that as we turn towards God's love and grace, following the way, we become our truest, most radiant, and brilliant selves which enables us to live from a place of increasing wholeness and wellbeing.
We believe that as we faithfully seek to discover and follow the way we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits (Romans 12:1-2), and we become partners with God on a mission to restore justice and balance throughout all creation as God renews the earth and makes all things new (Revelation 21).
With this in mind, everything we do is aimed towards cultivating opportunities where we can individually and collectively encounter and embody God's unquenchable love and grace in ways that lead to healing, transformation, and positive change for all.
We are especially passionate about serving alongside other faith communities and social service providers who are on a mission to help individuals and communities flouish and embody their God-given capacity to make a unqiue difference in this world as they thrive as whole human beings.
If you are a pastor, community leader, educator, or service provider and interested in partnering with us, we want to connect!